Saturday, March 26, 2011

Coming out of hibernation

(Forever 21 wrap sweater, Forever 21 sheer floral blouse, Forever 21 jeggings, Urban Outfitters oxfords)

Yaaaaaawn. I have definitely been lazy this spring break! My lack of blogging comes from catching up on much needed sleep and becoming infatuated with my iPad 2. Yes, my name is Nicole, and I'm a technology geek.

But besides that, I've also started gardening! Being vegan, I eat a ton of fruits and veggies, duuh, so I thought it would be cool to grow some in the backyard. I just planted them a few days ago, so I'll start posting weekly photos of my crop. Let's just hope they survive the constant extreme temperature change that's going on in Maryland. Isn't it supposed to be spring?

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